

Face Surgery


Breast Surgery


Body Surgery


Lateral Pillar Suspension in Vertical-Scar Mammaplasty

Vertical scar mammaplasty is an elegant technique that succesfully combines the two concepts of minimal scar formation and a satisfactory breast shape. It was first described by Dartigues in 1925 for mastopexy and extended to breast reduction by Arie in 1957. Later it was repopularised by Lassus in 1970. In the early 1990s Lejour modified the vertical scar technique originally described by Lassus in order to improve the scar quality and to adapt it to all breast reduction procedures. She also added liposuction as a standart adjunct procedure. Numerous authors have evaluated late postoperative results in general and suggested the descent of the breast tissue and the loss of upper pole fullness as the most important and annoying complications encountered during the late follow-up period. To overcome the effect of the gravitational forces on the breast and the bottoming out phenomenon, many modifications were described and published in the literature. Exner and Scheufler introduced the dermal suspension flap in vertical-scar reduction mammaplasty in 2002. Graf et al. published the thoracic wall flap technique in 2003 and Ritz et al. introduced fascial suspension mastopexy in 2006.

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