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Knee Cap Aesthetics

Deformations of the knee valves can also be corrected by surgical intervention

The kneecaps are also affected by sagging skin due to advancing age, gravity and excess weight. Fat deposits that are displaced for various reasons create an unpleasant appearance and these sagging can become the fearful dream of many women. This is a problem with a solution.

Liposuction can be considered to get rid of fat deposits in the kneecaps, as with excess fat in other parts of the body. With the liposuction procedure, the fat is removed and the knees regain a normal appearance. After the procedure performed under local anesthesia, the patient can go home immediately. However, he/she may need to rest for 5 days. It is recommended to wear a corset in this area to fit the emptied skin properly and to use compression stockings to increase the ability of the loosened skin to contract.