Patient Reviews

Listen to Prof. Dr. Erdem Tezel from his patients

Prof. Tezel operated my 19-year-old daughter in the nose. I’d like to thank him for his warm and sincere approach and for his success. My daughter’s life changed totally after the operation. She is much more self-confident now. People who know her are so surprised that a person’s nose can change her so positively. The beauty of her eyes and lips is now highlighted. Thank you very much, Prof. Tezel.

F. Ö. | 2016

Three years ago, Prof. Erdem Tezel operated me for a tummy tuck. At first I had my own fears but my adventure turned into a pleasing one thanks to the colorful personality and skill of my doctor. As a result, I have a nicer tummy and a beautiful belly button. I’d like to thank him once again for supporting me during recovery and patiently answering all my questions. We are lucky to have you, Professor!

ILGIN E. | 2013

After three years of waiting and search, I went to see Prof. Erdem Tezel for my second operation. He was very caring and explained the methods he developed for nasal operations. He gained my full confidence. After the operation, I got rid of my drooping nasal tip. I now have a natural-looking nose that goes perfect with the overall lines of my face. It is a source of unnecessary pain as well as a great loss of time that I didn’t have my first operation by him. I’d like to thank Prof. Erdem Tezel for his sincere and caring approach both before and after the surgery. If you want to have a nasal operation, I recommend you go and see him first, not after an unsuccessful operation like I did.

YASEMIN D. | 2015

Erdem Tezel has the soul of an artist and an unbelievably perfect aesthetic vision as well as a unique style and philosophy. He knows his patients very well, knows exactly what they need, and offers the most reasonable and applicable solution possible. 2.5 months ago he operated my nasal tip and I’m deeply satisfied with the result. My dear doctor, I’d like to thank you once again for your vision and skill.

B. B. | 2014

A year ago, I had rhinoplasty and endoscopic facial contouring performed by Prof. Tezel. I had my reservations about endoscopic facial contouring. But Prof. Tezel operated me so successfully that nobody can tell I’m operated. I look at least 10 years younger. I don’t look tired in the face any more. I don’t have drooping eyelids any longer. Seeing me after the operation, people say “You look so beautiful and fresh” but no one thinks I’m operated. When I reveal that I’m operated, they can tell just then. I’m quite thankful to my doctor for the very natural-looking results in both of my operations. He was the best choice I could ever make. A. T.

A. T. | 2015

Prof. Tezel has been giving me Botox injections for about a year. I’m very pleased. The impact of the injections lasts very long. Most importantly, although I’m a person making facial expressions very frequently, nobody understands that I’m having Botox injections. It is so natural. Prof. Tezel is also very caring.

N. B. | 2015

On April 4, 2015, I had rhinoplasty and endoscopic facial contouring procedures performed by Prof. Erdem Tezel. I first went to see him for complaints such as deformity due to two previous unsuccessful operations. Prof. Tezel’s love for his job, coupled with the confidence he instils in his patients, fully convinced me to undergo the operation. The post-operative recovery period took only 2 weeks. Now I am more confident and happy than ever. I would like to thank my doctor and his team for making me feel comfortable like I am home during this process of change. It is a great chance to know you, Prof. Tezel! 15.06.2015

J. G. | 2015

I have known Prof. Tezel since 2007. He is a world class surgeon. He operated me in the head and, thank God, I’m very well. I even play football. It was a 10-hour operation, not merely a couple of stitches. That’s why the result is so dear to me. I am grateful to him. There is not a single operation he couldn’t successfully perform in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. If you need to see a surgeon, do not hesitate to go and see him.

HOSEF | 2014

The one and only architect of my nasal and breast augmentation operations... My talented doctor with an extremely good taste... I left all decisions on form to my doctor, Prof. Erdem Tezel, regarding both my nasal operation and breast operation. The result couldn’t have been more natural. I own a beauty center and thus attract many looks regularly. Even people who stood against aesthetic and plastic surgery look at me and say the result is more than beautiful and natural. You are the architect of this pleasure, my dear doctor. Thank you very much. I sincerely and heartily recommend him to everyone. Just leave yourself to his hands. He will take care of you and give you the best.

Ç.S. | 2016

I had had a nasal operation years ago and I developed a drooping nasal tip in time. In 2009, I bumped into someone by accident and my already thin septum was broken once again. On the very same day, I visited Prof. Erdem Tezel upon recommendation. He dressed my nose and operated me the next morning despite his busy agenda. I recovered rapidly and resumed my regular life after being successfully operated by him, using the “nasal tip suspension technique” which is uniquely and only performed by him. The result was so successful that I thought “Why did I wait for 10 years?”, a thought supported by my family and friends. They say every cloud has a silver lining. That’s definitely true. Today, years after the operation, I can still look at the mirror and deeply enjoy what I see. I can very strongly recommend Prof. Tezel. Once again, I want to sincerely thank my doctor not only for his professional success but also for his friendly and humanist approach, modesty and making his patients feel home even in his office, all attributes giving him a unique and much deserved place within the medical community.

EBRU B. | 2016

I previously had septum deviation. That’s why I frequently had nasal congestion and resulting sore throat and infections as I breathed through the mouth. Yes, I was going to undergo operation for septum deviation and I also decided to have my drooping nasal tip lifted. However, I procrastinated about undergoing the operation for two years. Until I heard Erdem Tezel’s name one day. Erdem Tezel’s extensive experience and his special technique making its way into the world literature encouraged me to have the operation, which was exactly how I wanted. Firstly, it wasn’t an open surgery. Secondly, my septum would not shift. As I talked to my doctor, I felt more and more confident in him. When our conversation was over, I said, “OK, let’s do it.” I trusted him so much that I decided to have a breast operation as well as the nasal operation. It was very challenging and burdensome to undergo two operations at one go. But I never lost my faith in my doctor and his experience during the process, which proved to be very appropriate. The result is perfect. Excellent. First, nobody notices a change in my nose. It’s so natural. Being able to breathe feels great. In addition, my looks and smile are highlighted more. I owe my thanks to my dear doctor Erdem Tezel, the best in his field, for comforting me and never sparing his support in this challenging process, for answering my questions calmly and on time, and for putting up with me when I complained. I wish you further success in all your work. May the light be upon you.

Y.B. | 2016

Prof. Tezel operated my 19-year-old daughter in the nose. I’d like to thank him for his warm and sincere approach and for his success. My daughter’s life changed totally after the operation. She is much more self-confident now. People who know her are so surprised that a person’s nose can change her so positively. The beauty of her eyes and lips is now highlighted. Thank you very much, Prof. Tezel.

F. Ö. | 2016

Three years ago, Prof. Erdem Tezel operated me for a tummy tuck. At first I had my own fears but my adventure turned into a pleasing one thanks to the colorful personality and skill of my doctor. As a result, I have a nicer tummy and a beautiful belly button. I’d like to thank him once again for supporting me during recovery and patiently answering all my questions. We are lucky to have you, Professor!

ILGIN E. | 2013

After three years of waiting and search, I went to see Prof. Erdem Tezel for my second operation. He was very caring and explained the methods he developed for nasal operations. He gained my full confidence. After the operation, I got rid of my drooping nasal tip. I now have a natural-looking nose that goes perfect with the overall lines of my face. It is a source of unnecessary pain as well as a great loss of time that I didn’t have my first operation by him. I’d like to thank Prof. Erdem Tezel for his sincere and caring approach both before and after the surgery. If you want to have a nasal operation, I recommend you go and see him first, not after an unsuccessful operation like I did.

YASEMIN D. | 2015

Erdem Tezel has the soul of an artist and an unbelievably perfect aesthetic vision as well as a unique style and philosophy. He knows his patients very well, knows exactly what they need, and offers the most reasonable and applicable solution possible. 2.5 months ago he operated my nasal tip and I’m deeply satisfied with the result. My dear doctor, I’d like to thank you once again for your vision and skill.

B. B. | 2014

A year ago, I had rhinoplasty and endoscopic facial contouring performed by Prof. Tezel. I had my reservations about endoscopic facial contouring. But Prof. Tezel operated me so successfully that nobody can tell I’m operated. I look at least 10 years younger. I don’t look tired in the face any more. I don’t have drooping eyelids any longer. Seeing me after the operation, people say “You look so beautiful and fresh” but no one thinks I’m operated. When I reveal that I’m operated, they can tell just then. I’m quite thankful to my doctor for the very natural-looking results in both of my operations. He was the best choice I could ever make. A. T.

A. T. | 2015

Prof. Tezel has been giving me Botox injections for about a year. I’m very pleased. The impact of the injections lasts very long. Most importantly, although I’m a person making facial expressions very frequently, nobody understands that I’m having Botox injections. It is so natural. Prof. Tezel is also very caring.

N. B. | 2015

On April 4, 2015, I had rhinoplasty and endoscopic facial contouring procedures performed by Prof. Erdem Tezel. I first went to see him for complaints such as deformity due to two previous unsuccessful operations. Prof. Tezel’s love for his job, coupled with the confidence he instils in his patients, fully convinced me to undergo the operation. The post-operative recovery period took only 2 weeks. Now I am more confident and happy than ever. I would like to thank my doctor and his team for making me feel comfortable like I am home during this process of change. It is a great chance to know you, Prof. Tezel! 15.06.2015

J. G. | 2015

I have known Prof. Tezel since 2007. He is a world class surgeon. He operated me in the head and, thank God, I’m very well. I even play football. It was a 10-hour operation, not merely a couple of stitches. That’s why the result is so dear to me. I am grateful to him. There is not a single operation he couldn’t successfully perform in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. If you need to see a surgeon, do not hesitate to go and see him.

HOSEF | 2014

The one and only architect of my nasal and breast augmentation operations... My talented doctor with an extremely good taste... I left all decisions on form to my doctor, Prof. Erdem Tezel, regarding both my nasal operation and breast operation. The result couldn’t have been more natural. I own a beauty center and thus attract many looks regularly. Even people who stood against aesthetic and plastic surgery look at me and say the result is more than beautiful and natural. You are the architect of this pleasure, my dear doctor. Thank you very much. I sincerely and heartily recommend him to everyone. Just leave yourself to his hands. He will take care of you and give you the best.

Ç.S. | 2016

I had had a nasal operation years ago and I developed a drooping nasal tip in time. In 2009, I bumped into someone by accident and my already thin septum was broken once again. On the very same day, I visited Prof. Erdem Tezel upon recommendation. He dressed my nose and operated me the next morning despite his busy agenda. I recovered rapidly and resumed my regular life after being successfully operated by him, using the “nasal tip suspension technique” which is uniquely and only performed by him. The result was so successful that I thought “Why did I wait for 10 years?”, a thought supported by my family and friends. They say every cloud has a silver lining. That’s definitely true. Today, years after the operation, I can still look at the mirror and deeply enjoy what I see. I can very strongly recommend Prof. Tezel. Once again, I want to sincerely thank my doctor not only for his professional success but also for his friendly and humanist approach, modesty and making his patients feel home even in his office, all attributes giving him a unique and much deserved place within the medical community.

EBRU B. | 2016

I previously had septum deviation. That’s why I frequently had nasal congestion and resulting sore throat and infections as I breathed through the mouth. Yes, I was going to undergo operation for septum deviation and I also decided to have my drooping nasal tip lifted. However, I procrastinated about undergoing the operation for two years. Until I heard Erdem Tezel’s name one day. Erdem Tezel’s extensive experience and his special technique making its way into the world literature encouraged me to have the operation, which was exactly how I wanted. Firstly, it wasn’t an open surgery. Secondly, my septum would not shift. As I talked to my doctor, I felt more and more confident in him. When our conversation was over, I said, “OK, let’s do it.” I trusted him so much that I decided to have a breast operation as well as the nasal operation. It was very challenging and burdensome to undergo two operations at one go. But I never lost my faith in my doctor and his experience during the process, which proved to be very appropriate. The result is perfect. Excellent. First, nobody notices a change in my nose. It’s so natural. Being able to breathe feels great. In addition, my looks and smile are highlighted more. I owe my thanks to my dear doctor Erdem Tezel, the best in his field, for comforting me and never sparing his support in this challenging process, for answering my questions calmly and on time, and for putting up with me when I complained. I wish you further success in all your work. May the light be upon you.

Y.B. | 2016
Prof. Dr. Erdem TEZEL /
